WIE(VR) - Women in Engineering (Vancouver Region)

“Networking across workplaces, engineering fields and universities.”

Next Event: 10 Most Common Mistakes In Social Media

- an event for engineering women of all levels in the profession: students, professionals, looking for work and foreign trained engineers!

Worried about using social media and unforseen consequences?
Want to get involved in social media but unsure how to go about it professionally?

If so, this presentation is for you!

During this presentation about Social Media you will learn the most commonly made mistakes and tips on how to avoid them. Social Media is on the rise with no signs of slowing down. Sometimes it might feel overwhelming and frustrating when you try to keep up with all the latest trends and changing rules of Social Media networks.

During this presentation Helen will provide you with information about Social Media essentials. You will learn everything from tools that will increase your productivity, to Social Media etiquette and non-written rules, as well, as tips on what to avoid when setting up your Social Media profiles.

Join us on September 16th for this interactive presentation and become a little bit more social!

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Networking after the workshop.

Date: Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Time: 6:30-9:30pm, Doors open at 6:30pm, talk begins at 7pm

Place: YWCA, Welch room 1, 535 Hornby Street, Vancouver Map

Cost: $8 in advance, $10 at the door

Registration: coming soon ($8 for pre-registration, $10 if registering at the door)

Helen Stepchuk Bio

Helen has over 7 years of Internet marketing experience with a strong focus on strategy and web usability, as well as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and E-mail marketing.

Helen is passionate about yoga and a healthy lifestyle. Helen is also dedicated to "green living" in every way possible.

Helen’s motto:
Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day.)


Cucumber Marketing Inc. is a Vancouver-based Internet marketing company that provides website design, search engine optimization, paid advertising and social media services.

Our Mission:
We help businesses get noticed online!
Web: Cucumber Marketing Inc

Contact email:

WIE(VR). Last updated August 27th, 2010.